Radiation oncology treatment

Radiation Oncology

Radiation Oncology

The TrueBeam system is an advanced medical linear accelerator—or radiotherapy and radiosurgery treatment system—capable of fast and precise image-guided radiotherapy.  It can treat cancer anywhere in the body where radiation treatment is indicated. It enhances safety and reduces operation time.

  • Radiotherapy treatment has evolved over the years and conventional open rectangular radiotherapy fields have been replaced by highly-conformal radiotherapy techniques like VMAT, SCRT, SRS, etc. RapidArc® Radiotherapy Technology is an advanced form of intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) that delivers a precise 3D dose distribution with a 360-degree rotation in a single or multi-arc treatment. All these techniques allow radiation oncologists to deliver high radiation doses to the tumour and spare the surrounding normal tissues at the same time. This helps in reducing treatment related side effects to a great degree. Radiotherapy techniques like SRS, SCRT, and SBRT allow highly conformal tumour ablative doses to be given in single or 3 to 4 sittings.
  • TrueBeam® is a fully-integrated system for image-guided radiation therapy (IGRT) and radiosurgery, to treat cancer with speed and accuracy while avoiding healthy tissues and organs.
  • It has been designed for complex cases of cancer of the lung, breast, stomach and brain. It also can be used for cancers of the liver and prostate, along with other cancers anywhere in the body where radiation treatment is indicated.
  • The submillimetre accuracy and comprehensive quality assurance tools ensure safety and accuracy of the dose delivered.